Pet of the Week: Guest Blogger-Twister’s World

We haven’t had a Pet of the Week for a while but I think that Twister is the perfect one to start the New Year!  Twister, from Twister’s World, is fun, cute, happy, and a great friend! If you don’t know Twister, please stop by her page and say hello (you can click on any picture to get to her page). If you already are friends with her, stop by her page and congratulate her. This is her blog post…she tells us about her life and how she got HOME!

twister cover

Twister’s World

Hi! Welcome to my world! I’m so excited to be Pet of the Week!!! *spins…waves paw at Snyder* Iz Twister and my world is a little crazier than most doggie’s worlds. Like many of my friends on Facebook I am a rescued doggie. I was one of the lucky ones. My folks didn’t see what I couldn’t do, they saw what I could be! I was born in New Mexico about four years ago. I lived in Silver City which is a long way from where I live now. I don’t remember too much about it but Mom and Dad tell me that my behavior and my body tell a lot of my story.

I was dumped in the High Desert Humane Society some time in 2011. Not too much is known about how I ended up there. I was about 2 years old and I came in with another doggie. I know my name was “Top” but that’s about all I know. I don’t even know my birthday. I also know I was so scared! I’m not sure when I began spinning and spinning and licking and licking but it seemed to help take the fear away. So I spin and I lick and my new Mom and Dad tell I’m beautiful just the way I am!


The HDHS is a kill shelter. American Brittany Rescue searches the shelters for Brittanys and not long after arriving Sarah came all the way from Corrales to get me. OMD, I was so scared! I was skinny and I twisted and spinned and licked. So Sarah named me Twister. For a while I lived with Sarah and a lot of other Brittanys. People came and went and I wondered if someone would come for me…but they didn’t. So I spinned and twisted and licked and tried to play with the other doggies but they said I played too rough for them and most didn’t want to play.

One day these people came and Sarah let me out to play with the other doggies and meet these people. They brought an older Brittany named Val with them. He was kind of crabby and I was a little scared of him but the people were very interesting. I liked them! All the other doggies crowded around the lady and no one even noticed me because I was little and skinny and I spinned. But no one should ever underestimate Twister! I knew I had one chance and I had to take it so I put my head down and pushed my way right under the other doggies and right into the lady’s face and I said, “ME! ME! I’m the one! Take ME!” Guess what? That lady looked at me and she said, “Oh you’re so pretty!” Me! Pretty! Can you imagine that? She petted me and I twisted in excitement. Then I heard Sarah say, “That one’s crazy. We call her Twister because she spins. She has a lot of “anxiety” issues.” My heart dropped. I looked at the lady and tried to tell her I would be good and not spin anymore. I wasn’t sure she heard me.

The people left…and I stayed. I heard they asked for another doggie, a bigger, calmer Brittany. Man, how many times have I heard that. A week later they came to get their new doggie. I heard their truck. I heard their voices. I knew they would leave. I licked my foot over and over. Then it happened. Sarah opened my crate and put a leash on me. She led me out and I saw the lady and the man. I heard Sarah say that I might have problems wetting myself and that I had bumps on me that might be cancer and that I might be too enege…engen…eninn…excitable for their older doggie. I tried to shout, “NO! Don’t say that!!” Then she handed the leash to the lady and the lady leaned down and said, “Let’s go home, Twisty.” Oh how my heart leapt! I couldn’t believe it! I was so happy I twisted and spinned and slurped everything! It was ME! I had a home! As the man picked me up and put me in the truck I heard Sarah say, “If she doesn’t work out you can bring her back in two weeks.” I stucked my tongue at Sarah. I knew I didn’t plan on coming back.


On the way home I was so scared. I don’t know why. Maybe because car rides hadn’t turned out too well for me in the past. I heard the man say he wanted the other doggie but someone had asked for her first so the lady said, “We’ll take Twister!” The man said he hoped it was the right decision. That scared me too. I didn’t plan on coming back to the rescue. So I made myself real small.

When we gots home that older Brittany, Val, was there. I found out why he was so grumpy. He was going blind and I moved so fast it scared him. I learned how to take care of Val. My new Mom and Dad gots me a little bell for my collar so he could tell where I was and follow me around. I learned to love that old dog. He was my friend and I still wear a little bell today to remind me of Val.


Oh those were a rough few weeks! Mom and Dad had the bumps checked out. They were just bumps but I gets lots of them. We found out I has something called “estrogen incontinence.” It means I wets my bed at night when I relax (hangs head in shame.) Mom and Dad took me to the vet and I got started on Proin. Now I don’t wet my bed at all! I even get to sleep on the bed with Mom and Dad!!! YAY!

The tartar on my teeth was so thick it came off in big flakes. Mom thought my teeths were falling apart! Dad cleaned my teeths and gave me bones. Bones? I had to watch Val to see what you do with those things. I had never had one before. My coat was dry and dull so Mom and Dad started putting Salmon Oil in my food (Nommy!) and now my coat is much better! I didn’t know how play with a ball or a toy. I didn’t know how to behave in the house. I didn’t know what a leash was for or how to play properly with people. Mom and Dad think I was very neglected. I prolly gots scraps for food and no socialization. They think that if anyone played with me it was rough because I tried to jump and bite when I tried to play. The TV scared me. Loud noises scared me. Small rooms scared me. Raised voices scared me. Heck, everything scared me and the more scared I gots the more I twisted and spinned. Mom and Dad decided to keep my name because it fit me so well. But I’m now known as Princess Twister or Twist or my favorite, Twisty. I don’t get nearly as scared of things as I used to. Mom and Dad are very patient. I still get real scared when we go for walks and trucks or too many cars come by. Then I spins and wraps the leash around Mom’s legs. *giggles*


It’s been two years and now I realize I am in my furever home. I’m really never leaving. I wasn’t too sure at first. Val left and went to the Rainbow Bridge. I was scared that I might go there too. Then Liam (my big headed brother) came and I was scared my folks might not want me anymore. But I’m still here. My teeths are clean. My coat is shiny. I don’t wet the bed. I learned not to be afraid so much and I don’t spin nearly as much although I still loves the slurpies! SLURP! SLURP!

Do you know what the bestest part is? My Daddy calls me his little Princess! The guy who didn’t want me hugs me, and loves more than anything! Everyone morning when Dad gets coffee he and I have “Twister Time.” Just me and Daddy, waiting for the coffee and snuggling. I love my Daddy more than anything! He tells me I am his Perfect Princes Twister! Yay! *Spins and spins* He even lets me SLURP him! BOL! I gots friends on FB and a boyfriend named Saintz Konviction! OMD he’s the hamsumest pibble in the whole world!


We doggies don’t always show our best side at the shelter or rescue. That doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a chance. My Mom and Dad took a chance on a skinny, twisty, slurpy, bed-wetting, bumpy, crazy little Brittany and I’m the happiest little girl you ever met! All we need is a chance to go from someone’s trash to a furever family’s treasure! I haz to it bark out loud, “DON’T SHOP… ADOPT!” Our lives depend on it and I promise you, you won’t regret it! *spins* SLURP!

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1 Comment

  1. … my keyboard is flooded with tears…I’m so glad Twister’s story has an happy end. All my best wishes to Twister and her family… that was a very touching but wonderful post – Thanks for sharing ;o)


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